I saw bravery today!!

Posted by Teen Bean

So i had to take a step back and really examine myself. A really good childhood friend of mine headed off to Kuwait recently to honor her commitment to the army. The reality is sense our childhood days this friend and i haven't really spend much time in each others lives. We had two glorious summers together laughing at nothing, painting barns, and laying in front of fans to cool down from the summer heat.

All that laughing and joy and dreaming ... we had no idea how are lives would part, how those journey's would weave randomly together, how we were about to experience the world very differently. When highs school ended we happily laid down our friendship and started a new journey. The joy and anticipation we had for continuing to live and dream made our parting a thing of wonder and joy.

The funny thing is, when you are 17 and 18.... and you head off to college... you rarely realize how those good-byes in the fall often are good-byes for life. This friend and i really were so crazy about living life to the fullest that our random meeting ups through colleges were just ones filled with more of the same laughter, joy, and dreaming that we had as kids, but now came out as we shared our life experiences and our hopes to do more.

She randomly was at my baptism (one of the most spiritual mile stones of my life). I was able to go to her wedding a couple summers ago (i'm guessing one of the bigger mile stones of her life)....

We have a beautiful example of loving each other while living lives apart. Facebook and emails has made us staying together easier lately... but even with a lack of these, i know that her and my friendship was one that was formed in the foundations of forever.

The one things i realized that has changed a bit was our attitude. This became most evident, when as my beloved childhood friend got on a plane and flew to the other side of the world to serve our country, risking her life... and yet through it all remains joyful... she recently sent out an 'I'm ok e-mail' that had this statement in it...

"God is guiding me every step of the way, and I have wonderful battle buddies right along side of me. It will be a challenge, I am sure of that; but I also know that I will look back on this year for the rest of my life."

WOW....I mean come on... WOW!! Often in my life my times of reflection are when the "harsh and negative" have just become to much... when the hard times, the struggles, the battles... are just points of anger-discontent- even malice...
But what became so crystal clear to me in this moment was, as Christian... as children of God... we should be about the fruits of the spirit...

"love, joy, peace, patients, kindness, goodness, and self-control".... i was so proud of my friend for not only taking these lessons to heart, but living them out in her ever day... scary, hard, dedicated, joyful, God-blessed life!

so thank you my friend... i saw bravery today... and i saw it in you!

and yet again we are woven together in the way that matters most- encouraging each other to fight the good fight, to finish the race, to keep the faith!

Love you Cassie! Praying for you always!!!

This entry was posted on Friday, March 5, 2010 at Friday, March 05, 2010 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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