carpool ONLY ramp wtf!!!!!!!

Posted by Teen Bean

how in the world can you justify writing someone a $175 dollar ticket for using a ramp called an "carpool only ramp"!! Not only that but when i asked the officer why i was not just being giving a warning for this... obviously i just moved to the state and didn't recognize that they could designated ramps for "carpoolers only!"... his response was ... "this is the most violated ramp... everyone does it, so i am just writing tickets today"

there for i am being punished $175 dollars worth for the reality that "everyone else" violates this law on a regular bases... regardless of how many times i have actually violated this ramp (i think i have used this ramp like 3 time) ... i take the sins of every carpool ramp violater!!!!!!!!!!

no! HELL NO!!

what does it say on the back of my ticket Mitigation Hearing... here i came... i am not paying this... please! no!!!!

pffff "carpool only ramp" freaking ridiculous!!

This entry was posted on Thursday, February 4, 2010 at Thursday, February 04, 2010 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


regardless of how many times i have actually violated this ramp (i think i have used this ramp like 3 time) ... i take the sins of every carpool ramp violater!!!!!!!!!!

ahhh just like Jesus

February 5, 2010 at 12:44 AM

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