
Posted by Teen Bean in , , ,

Over this weekend my hubby and I got to go to this cafe in Marks Tey called the Food Company (well its actually a specialty shop added home decor shop, recently added restaurant cafe. We wanted something a bit different, but nice and to be fair it is kinda hard to find places that serve breakfast after 10am (which is complete crap because if you are not going to make breakfast for yourself it is most likely because you have slept in and hence would not be waking up early to fill your breakfast need!) But I digress..

So as we were sitting in said cafe/restaurant I noticed that they had nice tables, professional looking chefs, there own fromagary, butchers, fish bar, bakery and a host full of other hand selected items.

You could tell that the staff knew what they were doing and that the types of items you were choosing had been selected with the purpose of being the best item of choice for you. It felt a lot less like "what deal can I get or how much are they ripping me off for this" and way more like.... well like home. A safe place were good products were chosen, yes to fill a need, but also to make the most out of life. A place where I could finds good things to add to my life and not just a place that took good things from me and gave me crap in return.

I like places that make me feel like I are making the most of life. In this world where apathy has numbed our sense of worth and value by encouraging us to just complacently load up our lives with the cheapest "value brand" (that is anything but valued) this shop was a breath of fresh air.

I also didn't pity the people that worked in this shop. In fact I found myself envying them. I wanted to be down with the club, to be involved in something that had so much purpose and quality. I found myself dreaming of working in their fromage cupboard or baking up goodies for the rest of my life in their bakery. What a life of value to be able to be a part of a team of people adding such quality to our world.

 It didn't take me long to connect the dots as to where I find this worth in my own personal life, but it did make me wonder how many other people are hungry for this type of place... where each and every item is chosen with a purpose, where quality of people, environment and service means something.

I'm glad this places exists in our world... and that (at least for now) we still have to option to shop at places where there is such a sense of purpose, quality and respect interwoven into their DNA.

It also reminded me that if I ever have the chance to build something, to please please please not let the illusion of money, success or power out way the beauty of good quality, heathy relationships and a true value of worth.


This entry was posted on Wednesday, March 20, 2013 at Wednesday, March 20, 2013 and is filed under , , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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