Church that attracks only Christians

Posted by Teen Bean

I was reading this book on urban ministry. This quote make wonder if the church models I promote and engage in really are making as big of a difference as I would hope.

"careful examination might show that the church's 15 percent growth over the previous year came from other churches and that the reason was the simplicity of the preaching or the availability of a daycare center for infants. If the church is interested in conversion growth over against transfer growth, then expectations have not been met. More than that, the church may be attracting christians in disregard of other local ministry.
Such a pattern are habit forming and often irreversible. You have learned how to promote your ministry to christians rather than non Christians, and by all appearances you have found success" (conn&ortiz, urban ministry)

Just reminded me that all growth is not good. And that we have to be intentional about the growth we are seeking. I don't know how I would do this, but it helps me to be aware of it.

It's awesome to be around Christians but caution should be taken when more Christians are attracked to what you do then anyone else.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, February 9, 2011 at Wednesday, February 09, 2011 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


There is definitely a space for church tradition and "safe" predictable churches, but it's kind of a head scratcher for me why a lot of the church refuses to recognize this kind of growth. It's also why I'm super excited for the "post-Christian" world where we can start rethinking church and coming up with forms that are more relevant and attract people outside of the church rather than just shuffling people along to the next "cool" thing.

February 10, 2011 at 2:12 AM

so exactly true... if we want whole city transformation we can't just be about people shuffle...

February 11, 2011 at 10:26 AM

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