Quotes from the Road Trip:
I've heard lots of talk about finding the heart beat of God... or getting in sync with the heart beat of God. I've always struggled with living life knowing what i am suppose to do, but not feeling what i am suppose to do.
well summers come and summers go... round two of good-byes... i'm getting better. tho my tune has started changing... more see, ya laters, less 'good-bye',
Same town, same night, two girls, two stories...
Before i left england, God and i made a slightly unspoken deal. i was standing in my empty bedroom at the transit house, surround by my two suitcases to go, 3 boxes to stay (which have been happily stored at the lawtons home!!), 4 empty walls cleaned of their memories, and 1 open window.
Prayer set up #2: still working on this part of the prayer room this week, but we are having a pray for the nations map to remeber all the work that God is doing (esp in china, kenya, england, dominican repulic, kosova, india, and america... as my friends and I have personnel connections to those places!), plus a chill out space... take note of the orbs... and blue lights... my fav!!!
"Do you see what we've got? An unshakable kingdom! And do you see how thankful we must be? Not only thankful, but brimming with worship, deeply reverent before God. Hebrews 12:28 (the message!)
so because thinking is one of my hobbies... and often i am told i over think... (sheesh whatever) i thought i would take a small moment to record just a few of the questions that are on my mind... for the moment...
would i accept a gift from someone I love, knowing it will save people i love, but would require giving up ever seening a person i love the most?
should i tell friends i just use them?
which hurts more, laughing so hard i cried or crying so hard i laughed?
if God is everwhere, then why does it hurt so much to leave?
what if to live fully in the moment and make everyone happy would mean forgetting where I came from... forever!?
what if my future is just a blurry reflection of my past?
why do people always want to go out for dinner and drinks... does no one find it fun to stay at home?
what if there is no good or bad... just power... what would i be living for in that world and could i have friends?
what if i had a baby and loved it so much i hurt it?
who exactly said that a meal had to consist of meat and some random sides of veggies??... i don't think i like meat!!
"absents makes the heart grow founder"... who said that?... were they being sarcastic? don't people just forget you if your not around?
what if the one place i fit in, i was never allowed to be?
does swearing really make a difference?
can i take my own advice?
could i live with out music?
what if people i was meant to be close to never made an effort to listen to me, would i get tired of trying to tell them who i was?
what if premartial sex cut the divorce rate in half would christians still be so judgemental against it?
can i be what i say i want?
it flippin keeps on going... !!
About Me
- Teen Bean
- I'm just some regular girl trying her best to be a good friend, woman, christ-follower, wife, mom and adventurer (in no particular order). I love variety, trying new things and meeting new people and sharing experiences with others. All of which in one form or another can be found in this space. WELCOME!
Heart Heart Time!
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